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Opening hours

Opening Hours for Bookings and Requests

For bookings and appointments we can be reached by e-mail and by telephone from Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Courses in Evenings and Weekends

Our trainers provide courses both within office hours and in evenings and weekends.

Please contact us for the current availability of our trainers.

Unesco World Atlas of Languages

Unesco World Atlas of Languages is an interactive and dynamic online tool that documents various aspects and characteristics of language status in countries and languages around the world. The aim is to provide a detailed overview of languages as communicative tools and sources of knowledge in their socio-cultural and socio-political contexts.

There are 8,324 languages documented in the
World Atlas of Languages of which about 7,000 are still in use.

IncompanyLanguages – Guide to Learning New Languages

Contact us

Do you have any questions about our language training courses, would you like to know which form of training suits you best or are you wondering how much time you need to achieve your language goals? Please contact us via our contact page. We are happy to think along with you and give you personal advice. In this way, together we ensure that you make the right choice and find a language training that perfectly suits you and your company.